What Is VIPS ?
16/06/2020 15:00 to 16/06/2020 17:00 (Singapore)
Finding satisfying work begins with knowing yourself. In the career space, your career attributes - or VIPS - is the cornerstone of knowing what is important to you (your Career Values), what you like (your career interests), what your work style is (your personality), and what you are good at and enjoy doing (your Motivated Skills).
Learning Objective Learning Objective
This session will give you a broad overview of career attributes (your VIPS) – what they are, why they are important, and how they can put you on a solid path to knowing what your next career move should be. We will discuss what a ‘career’ really is, what your own ‘career narrative’ looks like, and how your career attributes were (or were not) featured throughout your career. You will gain insights about your own career attributes moving forward, from the choices you had made in the past. This will set the stage for more focused treatment of each career attribute in the sessions to come.