Know Your Value - Know Your Values!
23/07/2020 15:00 to 23/07/2020 17:00 (Singapore)
About About
When considering a new job or career, your career values are among the most important factors that will guide your choices. These values will help when you decide your next career move, or help you decide if your current job is aligned with these values. Your career values represent your beliefs about what is important in your work, and what makes it meaningful to you. And so, how well a job or career satisfies our values should be a key consideration when evaluating options.
Learning Objective
This session takes a deeper dive into career values, the first attribute of the VIPS. Based on the Knowdell™ Career Values Card Sort process, you will discover some of your career values and map them to your past, current and future roles. Such a mapping will help you discern how much these roles are compatible with your career values. This knowledge will give you more clarity and confidence about your future career choices.
Your Facilitator
Eugene Wong